Hi, I'm Elias Linnekuhl an Illustrator based in Hamburg. I graduated with a BA in Illustration from the University of Applied Science in Hamburg.
Contact: hello@eliaslinnekuhl.com
HAW Rundgang, Hamburg, 2015-2024
What happened until now?, Bologna, 2022
Phasen Bookazine, Comic Festival Hamburg, 2020
Neue Märchen, Fabrik der Künste, 2018
The Alphabet in Illustration, Casa Saraceni Bologna, 2018
Little Big Books, Zentralbibliothek Hamburg, 2017
“Dinosaurs, Yes!” Bookazine, Rundgang, Hamburg, 2017

Students Group Exhibition, Bologna Book Fair, 2017

Studio Kunst
Thienemann Esslinger Verlag
Dressler Verlag
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